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Geos Institute helps communities build resilience in the face of climate change

Tag: georgia

Adelaide Bates

Adelaide Bates

Adelaide Bates is the Climate Resilience Manager at the Shi Institute for Sustainable Communities at Furman University. Prior to joining the Shi Institute, Bates served as founder and director of the McClellanville Land and Sea Market, now in its seventh season. She also held roles with the South Carolina Environmental Law Project and the College of Charleston. She previously served on the City of Charleston Climate Action Planning Waste Subcommittee and earned her bachelor’s degree in urban studies from the College of Charleston.

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Monét Murphy

Monét Murphy

Monét Murphy from Leesburg, Georgia graduated from Savannah State University with a bachelor’s in marine science and environmental science. As part of her undergrad, she studied benthic foraminifera in the Savannah River Estuary, which are tiny, single-celled organisms that serve as bioindicators of environmental conditions in marine environments. Murphy is currently pursuing her master’s in marine science with a focus on paleoclimatology and environmental anthropology at Savannah State University.

As a fellow with the Georgia Conservancy, Murphy will work with partners and regional stakeholders to advance Climate Ready America and the Southeast Navigator Network. Through Monét, Georgia Conservancy will serve as trusted partners to CDRZ communities and help them take advantage of funding sources, identify capacity building opportunities, and secure the technical support necessary to create tangible resilience benefits. The Navigators will also network and support each other, fostering collaboration between communities and across the four states.

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