Forest Management
Scientific publications authored or edited by Geos Institute staff.
- Comments on Proposed NFMA Planning Rule
- Importance of Western Oregon BLM Lands and Reserves to Fish and Wildlife Conservation (October 2005)
- The Landscape Context in Forest Conservation: Integrating Protection, Restoration, and Certification (March 2005; Ecological Restoration 23(1): 15-23)
- Management of bald eagle communal roosts in fire adapted mixed-conifer forests. (1998; J. Wildlife Management 62(1): 322-222)
- Seeing the forest for more than just the trees: A response to MacCracken (1996; Wildlife Soc. Bull. 24(4): 770-776)
- Effects of silvicultural modifications of temperate rainforest on breeding and wintering bird communities, Prince of Wales Island, southeast Alaska. (1996; Condor 98:706-721)
- A critical role for core reserves in managing Inland Northwest landscapes for natural resources and biodiversity. (1996; Wildlife Soc. Bull 24(2): 209-221)
- Forest health: getting beyond the rhetoric to restore healthy landscapes in the Inland Northwest. (1995; Wildlife Soc. Bull. 23(3): 346-356)
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