260 Scientists Oppose Post-fire Logging Bills
For immediate release on September 24, 2015
Dominick DellaSala, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, Geos Institute: (cell) 541-621-7223; dominick@geosinstitute.org
Chad Hanson, Ph.D., Research Ecologist, John Muir Project: (cell) 530-273-9290; cthanson1@gmail.com
Ashland, Oregon — Over 260 scientists sent a letter to the U.S. Senate and President Obama urging them to oppose two public lands logging bills, being promoted by the timber industry and their supporters in Congress, which the scientists say would be very destructive to forest ecosystems and wildlife on National Forests and other federal public forestlands. The bills, HR 2647 and S 1691, will not improve forest health or reduce fire risks by promoting widespread logging of ecologically rich post-fire “snag forest” and older forest in mostly remote areas of federal public forestlands.
Instead they would eliminate most environmental analysis, prevent enforcement of environmental laws by the courts, and markedly reduce public participation in forest management decisions on public forests. The role of the timber industry in federal forest management would also unfairly increase under the deceptive guise of promoting decision-making by “collaborative” groups.
The scientists urged Congress and the Administration to oppose the misguided bills, which “misrepresent scientific evidence,” and instead focus on “ways for the public to co-exist with fires burning safely in the backcountry.” They urged Senators and the President “to consider what the science is telling us: that post-fire habitats created by fire, including patches of severe fire, are ecological treasures rather than ecological catastrophes, and that post-fire logging does far more harm than good to public forests.”
Dr. Dominick A. DellaSala, Chief Scientist of Geos Institute and co-leader of the letter, stated, “Federal fire policy needs an overhaul to reign in the out-of-control Forest Service fire fighting budget and focus it on saving fire-fighter lives and homes. This misguided legislation would throw gasoline on fires by promoting back-country logging that most often leaves behind logging slash as kindling for the next fire.”
“Fire is not destroying our forests, rather, it is restoring these ecosystems and is creating outstanding wildlife habitat that is as biodiverse as old-growth forest, and even rarer,” said Dr. Chad Hanson, another lead author of the scientist letter. “This is why over 260 scientists from across the nation are urging Senators and the President to follow the science and oppose these logging bills,” he added.
Both DellaSala and Hanson are co-editors of a new book: “The Ecological Importance of Mixed-Severity Fires: Nature’s Phoenix” (Elsevier, Inc.). The book includes the latest science on the ecological benefits of large and intense fires and ways to coexist with fire.
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