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Geos Institute helps communities build resilience in the face of climate change

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Concerned about climate change?

You’re not alone in considering the challenges of a changing climate. The science can be confusing, the funding can be hard to come by, planning processes take time, and many people aren’t sure where to start. But, a growing number of communities are overcoming these and other hurdles in preparing for climate change.

If you are ready to plan for climate change, we are here to help. Sign up for one or more of our e-news to recieve updates about our initiatives, and information you can use in your community.

About our subscriptions

Climate Resilience News
Sent every month

  • Resources and information focused on helping local leaders develop Whole Community Solutions to address the impacts of climate change.
  • Progress updates on our efforts to build Climate Ready America, a nationwide system of climate support services
  • Announcements for the next round of Drinking Water Providers Partnership funding
  • Organization news and updates

Drinking Water Providers Partnership
Sent 2-3 times per year

  • Announcements of new funding opportunities and information about funded projects.


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