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Geos Institute helps communities build resilience in the face of climate change
Drinking Water Providers Partnership Logo Teal

Contact Us

The members of the Drinking Water Providers Partnership look forward to working with you to foster working partnerships between water providers and restoration practitioners throughout Oregon and Washington. Please don’t hesitate to contact any of the following individuals with questions:

U.S. Forest Service:
James Capurso, Regional Fisheries Biologist, 503‐808‐2847,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Dan Brown, Natural Resource Advisor – Forest Sector, 503-326-6832,

U.S. Bureau of Land Management:
Mike Brown, Hydrologist,

U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service
Erin Kaczmarczyk, Asst. State Conservationist for Programs, 503-414-3219,
Nick Vira, Partnership Liaison, 360-704-7758,

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality:
Julie Harvey, Drinking Water Protection Coordinator, 503‐229‐5664,

Washington Department of Health:
Nikki Guillot, Source Water Protection Manager, 360‐236‐3153,

Geos Institute:
Tonya Graham, Executive Director, 541-482-4459 ext. 301,

WildEarth Guardians:
Ryan Talbott, Pacific Northwest Conservation Advocate, 503-329-9162,

The Freshwater Trust:
Mark McCollister, Habitat Restoration Director, 503-222-9091 ext. 15,

The Drinking Water Providers Partnership is a collaboration of the Geos Institute, USDA Forest Service, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, the Washington Department of Health, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, The Freshwater Trust, and WildEarth Guardians.

Sign up for emails from the Drinking Water Providers Partnership to learn when the next call for proposals is available.

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“Starting with the highest quality source water possible is the best assurance that treated drinking water will reliably and continually meet public health standards.”

Dave Leland, former Manager of Oregon Health Authority’s Drinking Water Services

“One of the USDA Forest Service’s primary missions is to help ensure the abundant clean water critical to individuals and industries across the U.S. through our work in sustaining national forests and grasslands. The Drinking Water Providers Partnership is an example of how we, in partnership with others, fulfill this purpose. By pairing Forest Service watershed restoration experts with drinking water providers, we can protect and restore municipal watersheds across on National Forest and other lands.”

Jim Pena, Regional Forester