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February 2025 Update 

The Drinking Water Providers Partnership received a wide variety of strong proposals in response to the fall 2024 RFP to support projects that will benefit community drinking water supplies and native fish habitat across Oregon and Washington.

The partners came together in late January and ranked the proposals for funding. However, following the application deadline in early January, federal funding for the 2025 grant cycle is now uncertain, so no awards have been made at this time. If federal funding comes available, the partners will allocate grants based on the proposal ranking and funding resources available.

Funding Priorities

The goals of the Drinking Water Providers Partnership source watershed restoration funding opportunity are:

  • Restore and protect the health of watersheds which communities depend upon for drinking water while also benefiting aquatic and riparian ecosystems, including the native fish that inhabit them.
  • Support local partnerships between drinking water providers, landowners, and restoration practitioners.

How to Apply

The 2025 call for proposals is closed. Proposals were due by 5pm PT January 6, 2025. You can find the Request for Proposals and Applications for previous years below

Resources for Applicants:
  1. High-resolution map of source watersheds in Oregon and Washington (and combined)
  2. Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool which can be used to help implement the Justice 40 Initiative: (Released on November 22, 2022)
  3. Project reporting template to help applicants understand the reporting requirements

If you have questions about these resources, please contact a member of the Partnership

Recorded Information Sessions

In 2022 the Partnership hosted two informational sessions about the annual watershed restoration funding opportunity. Each session provided a review of the funding program and requirements and provided an time for attendees to ask questions of the agency representatives.

  1. Monday November 14, 9-11am PTWatch the recording of this session
  2. Wednesday November 30, 10-11am PTWatch the recording of this session

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply for just habitat restoration?

Yes, as long as the project benefits drinking water and native fish habitat in municipal watersheds.

Do I need to answer every question?

Yes. Each participating agency has their own set of criteria for distributing funding and the application is designed to provide all the information necessary for the Partners to determine the best source of funding for your project. If there are questions that don’t apply or are confusing, please contact us.

Do I need to know which agency I’m requesting money from?

No. The application is designed to minimize the work required from applicants by only requiring one application form. In the review process, the Partners work to determine the best match for funding selected projects.

How do I know if my project serves “disadvantaged or underserved communities”?

This question arises from the Justice40 Initiative issued by President Biden in 2022. You can use the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool to search for information about communities that benefit from your project. If you believe your project serves communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution, explain why in the application. You can look to factors such as race, age, income levels, housing, health indicators, etc.

What if my project budget is larger than $150,000?

That’s ok! Just tell us how you plan to raise the additional funds for your project.

What if my project will take longer than 18 months?

Activities identified in the proposal that are supported by DWPP funding must be completed within 18 months of the award start date. If you have a longer-term project in mind, think about how you might develop a proposal to fund the work you plan to complete in the next 18 months. Strong proposals for phases of larger projects are welcome!

What are the reporting requirements?

Projects that are awarded funding will get more specific instructions for how to submit a final report. You can download the project report template to give you an idea of what the reporting requirements will look like. 

What if I have more questions?

Contact us! Seriously. The Partners want this program to succeed and helping applicants develop strong proposals is part of that. We are happy to answer your questions so you can submit the best proposal for your project. 

Can I see the call for proposals and applications from previous years?

Sure. We ran our first solicitation in 2015 and made our first awards in 2016.

DWPP Program support logos

Sign up for emails from the Drinking Water Providers Partnership to learn when the next call for proposals is available.

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“Starting with the highest quality source water possible is the best assurance that treated drinking water will reliably and continually meet public health standards.”

Dave Leland, former Manager of Oregon Health Authority’s Drinking Water Services

“One of the USDA Forest Service’s primary missions is to help ensure the abundant clean water critical to individuals and industries across the U.S. through our work in sustaining national forests and grasslands. The Drinking Water Providers Partnership is an example of how we, in partnership with others, fulfill this purpose. By pairing Forest Service watershed restoration experts with drinking water providers, we can protect and restore municipal watersheds across on National Forest and other lands.”

Jim Pena, Regional Forester