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Geos Institute helps communities build resilience in the face of climate change

On the road to a Climate Ready America

From the April 2021 Cornerstone Network email

As you know, our focus has been ensuring that all communities, no matter their size or affluence, can get the high-quality climate planning help they need.

The Biden Administration’s commitment to addressing the climate crisis is opening several doors for us. Doors that we couldn’t have even dreamed possible at this time last year.

But what we still need is a nationwide system of climate services. Local leaders need help to address both the causes and impacts of the climate crisis. They need a system that helps them move toward climate solutions that are good for all people and the environment.

To that end, we drafted a concept piece for how to create this system. We call it Climate Ready America. Over forty of our climate resilience colleagues confirmed that this system is needed, and our plan is the right approach. We have received similar support from congressional offices and federal agency staff. You can read it here.

We are now launching the working group called for in the concept piece. This working group brings together leaders in the climate resilience movement to make a unified call for a system of climate services.

It is a very exciting time at the Geos Institute. We are bringing what we have learned over the past decade of helping communities to help move climate action forward at scale across the country. It seems like we have been building toward this moment for years.

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