Media Release: Climate Resilience Organizations Call for a Nationwide System of Climate Resilience Services and Offer Assistance to the Federal Government
For Immediate Release
Tonya Graham – Geos Institute – 541.778.0718/
Kathy Jacobs – Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions, University of Arizona – 520.405.7395/
Lara Hansen – EcoAdapt – 206.201.3834/
Richard Moss – Climate for Science Action Network – 202.468.5441/
Beth Gibbons – American Society of Adaptation Professionals – 202.904.9946/
September 9, 2021 – Today, over 40 climate resilience organizations called on the federal government to develop a nationwide system of climate resilience services to help communities reduce emissions and build resilience to accelerating climate impacts, such as extreme heat, flooding, sea level rise, drought, and wildfire. Many more communities need to take action if the U.S. intends to meet its climate goals.
The statement outlines 10 principles for such a system to ensure that it is an effective investment that moves the U.S. toward its climate goals. Signers are offering to assist the Biden Administration, Congress, and federal agencies in developing this system so that communities can find the information and assistance they need to address the climate crisis.
“Communities are facing the brunt of climate change – and in too many places, they have nowhere to turn for affordable, locally relevant assistance. Strategic investment by the federal government can lift a nationwide climate services system that integrates the data, tools, resources, and experts communities need to take meaningful action. – Tonya Graham, Geos Institute
“Congress urgently needs to support state and local decision makers by authorizing and funding a federally supported national system for climate resilience services. While state governments, academia, and nonprofit organizations have stepped in to fill the void created by four years of inaction, the federal government needs to strengthen and build on that capacity to close the gap between our climate goals and our current progress.” Richard Moss, Science for Climate Action Network
“Under-resourced communities are falling behind everyday in the race to address local climate impacts and transform their energy systems. A nationwide system that offers climate planning support to all communities, regardless of size or affluence, will go a long way toward helping the Biden Administration fulfill its climate, social equity, and racial justice commitments.” Lara Hansen, EcoAdapt
“Climate adaptation and resilience practitioners have been working for years to determine the best way to scale up and deliver the climate services needed to meet the challenge of the climate crisis. We are ready to help the administration and Congress turn its climate resilience vision into reality.” Beth Gibbons, American Society of Adaptation Professionals
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