Making Climate Ready America real – Geos Institute releases call for pilots
From the March 2022 Cornerstone Network Email
Just last week we hit a very important milestone in our work to ensure that every community in the US can do its part to combat climate change no matter its location, size, or wealth.
We have formally issued the call for proposals for states and statewide organizations across the US to develop a pilot Climate Innovation Center for their state. The deadline is April 15 and we’ve already received two proposals.
This is the first step in breathing life into the Climate Ready America framework we have been developing for the past 16 months and it’s incredibly exciting to be part of it.
We have been engaging with government agencies, state governments, statewide organizations, climate resilience planners, and local government staff for months sharing our framework and incorporating their feedback so that this system serves everyone it needs to in the best possible way.
Time and again, we have been met with enthusiasm and questions about how they can be involved in making this happen.
Just before the call for state pilots, we released our latest white paper, which describes in greater detail how these Climate Innovation Centers will work in all fifty states, how they will be supported by federal and state climate programs, and how this system will ensure that communities can move from planning to action quickly.
Our next steps are to identify five pilot states, secure the funding to help them get started building their Climate Innovation Centers, and determine the best way for the various federal agencies that work on climate resilience to interact with and support the Climate Ready America system.
This is what we have been working toward all these years – making a difference at the scale of the problem the climate crisis presents.
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