Dr. Monica Wilson
Dr. Monica Wilson is the Coastal Debris Project Coordinator for Operation TRAP (Trash Reduction for Aquatic Preserves). She has a background in physical oceanography and computer science. In her current role, she manages all aspects of Operation TRAP. Her responsibilities include cooperation and coordination with county staff regarding placement, deployment, maintenance of litter interception technology, as well as, data collection and planning and executing community outreach events. Prior to this she was the Florida representative of the Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant Oil Spill Science Outreach Team for nearly a decade. During this time, she built trusted relationships with many different stakeholder groups in the state of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico region. She synthesized and shared peer-reviewed findings about oil spill impacts with stakeholders around the region. Her skill sets include scientific expertise, hosting workshops and webinars, presenting science, writing publications for a diverse group of audiences, and outreach and communication skills.
Dr. Wilson is part of the Southeast Navigator Network